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2019 is here, and we're ready for it.

Amid the crash diets and inconsequential commitments to sugar abstention, everyone has the sincere intention of following through with at least one annual resolution. Our office isn't any different, hence, we've compiled a list of relatable objectives to share with our subscribers.

We hope that the implementation of our New Year's Resolutions not only improves our standards of safety and self-care, but also brings better quality of life.

Resolutions Regarding Family

1. Dedicate more time to leisure activities in an effort to strike a balance between work and play

2. Cook home cooked meals more frequently

3. Plant a garden at home

Resolutions Regarding the Workplace

1. Organize team bonding activities

2. Implement energy saving procedures, such as actively unplugging office appliances at the end of the day

3. Encourage the recycling of materials

Resolutions Regarding Ourselves

1. Practice activities that encourage self-reflection, such as yoga and meditation

2. Visit the library more frequently

3. Learn a new recipe every month

Resolutions Regarding Safety

1. Limit driving at night or while it is raining

2. Revisit home evacuation routes with the family

3. Restock on safety and hurricane supplies

4. Revisit insurance coverage plans

Happy New Year!

Nothing is quite like Florida.

Winters in Florida are unique. Those that are fortunate enough to experience it know that it is not only the best part of the year, but also the most surprising. From 24 hour cold fronts to “Snowbird traffic”, here is our take on the Sunshine State Winter.

1. Surprising fact number one: a “cold” winter is actually 70 degrees. We do not want to hear about how hard your Boston winters are.

2. Our second not-so surprising fact: we break out the single peacoat in our closet the second that it drops under 70. It is always from Burlington Coat Factory and almost never suitable for actual cold.

3. Campfires and s'mores are a 68 degree affair.

4. Publix makes the best holiday cookies. There is no debate. We will not have this debate.

5. The communal act of decorating boats with festive light installations for intercoastal parades is a thing.

6. Going to the beach on the holidays are a thing.

7. As soon as Thanksgiving Dinner finishes, the “snowbirds” are here. These are individuals who are easily identified by their non-conformist driving habits.

8. The mosquitoes hibernate. Kind of.

So what can we do to prepare for a safe Florida Winter?

You can anticipate all of these special, Floridian winter occurrences by reviewing your boat coverage plans, driving safely and defensively, and inspiring yourself with holiday cheer in tandem with Christmas scented mosquito repellent.

Be sure to:

1. Adjust the heat in your car on cold days BEFORE you pull out of your drive way. Stay focused!

2. Practice safe habits on the road around both locals and Snowbirds. The rules don't change!

4. Stay alert and safe on the water, especially around high marine traffic.

3. Stay as festive as possible. Have a safe and happy holiday.

Teen Drivers and what you should expect

The bottom line up front is simple: adding a teenage driver to your plan will increase your insurance rates. The good news is that you can control how much those rates hike.

First, there is a necessity to understand just why drivers between the ages of 15 and 21 are more expensive to insure. For one, the likelihood of a teenage driver being involved in an accident or traffic violation is several times higher than that of more experienced drivers. Another consideration is the amount of financial responsibility this age group has.

When coupling these tropes together, it becomes evident as to why insurers identify a liability.

So how do you mitigate how much your rates go up? We’ve compiled the 3 most important tips for saving money when adding your teens to your policy.

1. Be selective of your car. Cheaper, non-sport vehicles tend to be more cost-effective to insure.

2. Pay attention to insurance discounts. Your teen getting good grades could save you money on car insurance.

3. Safe driving matters. Some insurance providers install safe driving devices that monitor the speed, distance, and time that teen conductors drive at.

The implementation of these 3 rate reducing methods for each of your teen drivers could mean the difference between a rate increase that breaks the bank and an insurance experience that leaves you both satisfied and at peace.

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